
How much do you trust self? Throughout my life I grew up with the understanding that you must trust in God. It was a fundamental life skill that my parents would remind my five brothers and sisters of daily. My parents are a true testimony in the simplicity of trusting GOD.

Webster Dictionary defines trust as reliance on the integrity/character, strength, ability, and surety, of a person or thing: confidence.

During the late part of the summer in 2009, The Fort Bend Focus Magazine reached out to do a feature cover story about me. This was a big honor, mostly because I thought I didn’t warrant a cover story. However, the editor and publisher of the local magazine disagreed with me and gave me all the right answers to why I should appear on the cover.

I thought to myself what would I talk about and what questions would be asked of me. I had already achieved starting a successful catering business, which is how I was introduce to Lisa Frederickson the publisher. I had worked for Tracy McGrady and was currently working for Trevor Ariza as his personal Chef, in addition to starting my own personal catering kitchen. So, with all of these accomplishments and some others along the way, I agreed to appear on the cover. It was the best trusted decision I had made at this point of my career.

With that being said, I became an overnight “Rock Star” in the Sugar Land/Fort Bend County area. Everyone wanted to get to know me and most importantly, sample my culinary delights. It was in this moment that the added pressure of opening my own catering kitchen was vital to the continued growth of my business as well as “Chef Rey.”

So, I moved forward in finding me a storefront space to open. After a couple weeks of looking and reviewing commercial properties I landed on the space that I honestly believe was designed for me. It was 2865 Dulles Ave. in Missouri City, Texas. The shopping center was very nice and was right off one of the busiest streets in the Missouri City/Sugar Land area. It was 2400 square feet and what I loved about the space was the oversize kitchen that consisted of 1500 square feet. I told myself I would be able to work magic in that kitchen and…I did just that for four years until the Houston Astro’s called upon me to be their first ever Executive Team Chef. Prior to signing my commercial lease, my prayer was for God to bless me with five years in the space unless he saw fit to elevate me to the next level of the “destiny” that he has for me.
At first, I thought, “Chef, you have put some much time and trust in yourself with opening your catering kitchen, and then moving into the front of the house as a restaurant for Thursday through Saturday dinner service and my awesome, and much talked about, Sunday Brunch. Do you really want to make this significant change?”

I had built a strong following from hosting birthday parties, cooking classes, anniversaries and three full in-house weddings. As you can see, I knew what “trust” meant. However, I believed in this moment that God was giving me my “trust” test. By accepting the new position with the Astro’s I was getting ready to sacrifice everything I had dreamed of and even worked harder for. I felt like it was happening to me all over again, when I made the decision to leave corporate America after sixteen years.

So, I went once again looking for scripture to give me Peace in the decision I was about to make and of course the one fundamental passage that came to me was Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” This is very powerful passage because I truly didn’t understand during that moment what God was trying to get me to process. However, the beautiful thing about life is the word “process.” I personally decided long ago to trust God with my journey and allow the process to move on my behalf.

By me just simply trusting God’s process he has propelled me to heights that I knew I was capable of achieving. I often tell my best friend why would you think God would not bless you with the same desires of your heart as he has blessed me with by just trusting him with all of your being. Therefore, I charge each and every one of you that has taken the time out to read my blog post, to simply trust because the end results will be as this passage states, “Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.”


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